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Revision as of 22:31, 1 September 2021

About Global Assembly

A global citizens’ assembly to accelerate action to address the climate and ecological emergency and influence COP26 in ways that citizens see fit.

The global assembly will involve both:

  • a core group of people broken down by gender, race, age, economic background (and other criteria if appropriate) chosen by lottery, to be a true representation of the world population (100 people); and
  • distributed events that will go through the same learning journey as the core group, and will be run by anyone anywhere e.g. communities, schools, organisations (100,000+ people).

We want everyone to have a voice on addressing the climate emergency.


to accelerate action to address the climate and ecological emergency in ways that citizens see fit.

More information about the Global Assembly and ways to join are available on globalassembly.org

Purpose of the GA's Information Booklet

  • This information booklet is part of a series of resources that will be used by people taking part in the Global Assembly to inform their deliberation on the climate and ecological emergency.
  • This information booklet aims to provide core information on multiple aspects of the climate and ecological crisis identified as critical by the knowledge and wisdom committee.
  • The information should be written in plain English and avoid jargon.
  • This information booklet will be complemented by animated PowerPoints currently developed by David Goodwin, and art pieces currently developed by artists involved in the cultural wave of the Global Assembly.

Drafting process

  • This first draft was written by journalist Tarn Rogers Johns with guidance and feedback from Claire Mellier.
  • This draft was informed by resources shared by members of the Knowledge and Wisdom Committee and additional resources compiled by Claire Mellier. These resources are available in this shared google drive.

Review process

  • Feedback on Information Booklet draft V2 01.08.21 by K&WC members before Thursday 05/08.
  • Review feedback at the third K&WC meeting on Thursday 05/08.
  • Amend draft V2 and create V3 based on feedback by 14/08.
  • Disseminate V3 with Global Assembly Lab partners and Community Hosts for contextualization in different languages and cultures around the world by 15/08.
  • Review feedback from Lab Partners and Community Hosts by K&WC members at the fourth K&WC meeting on 02/09.
  • Finalise information booklet by 10/09 ready for the launch of the Global Assembly on 25/09.